SEO Automation. Writing an effective Title tag and Meta description (“SEO title” & “SEO description”) enable search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, Yahoo, Ask, DuckDuckGo to crawl, index, and better understand the content of your page- Automatic SEO
This information, and or parts of it is also displayed to the user in the search results Search Engine Results Page (“SERP”).
Whilst there are additional on-page seo factors/elements that effect your SERP ranking, such as Image Alt-text, Internal Linking, Page URLs and Headers (H1/2/3), the page title and meta description are considered the two most important and influential meta tags on your page!
SEO Automation. The Title & Meta descriptions aims to provide a clear unique description of the webpage content, and (as per Googles latest HCU) should ideally: Automatic SEO
– Correspond to the search intent of the user
– Correlate to the page content and search snippet view
– Include reference to your Audience, i.e. who this information is directed to, e.g. for graphic designers
– Include reference to your Expertise / Benefits. e.g. You are providing this information as an expert, or based on experience etc..
– Include the most relevant keyword search term(s) to the page content and objective.
– Be as specific and as targeted as possible (Long tail) to the users search intent
– Comply with the search engines guidelines (length and number of characters)
SEO Automation. The generated sentence (Title Tag & Meta Description) should have a logical structure and ideally include the following elements:
1) A relevant prefix for the specific page: ideally to highlight the benefits, and/or the main objective of the page: Possible sentence prefixes may include: “How to… Top 10 laptops …. Effective… Accredited… , Healthy… , Competitive… , etc… Automatic SEO
2) The prefix should then be followed by the main and most relevant Keywords search terms for the specific web page content. Example for Keyword search terms may be: “Apple MacBook Air Laptop”, “Acer Swift 3 Laptop”, “Samsung Galaxy Book Pro” … Automatic SEO
3) Followed by a description of the Audience (recipient/customer and/or target audience) of the page content. Possible sentence prefixes may include: e.g for “Graphic designers”, “Gamers” etc…
4) Followed by a description of the geographical location of the proposed Product/Solution/Service/Information etc… Example for geographical location may be: in “USA”, “Central London”, “London” … etc.
5) Followed, when relevant by a description of the providers Expertise (name of the provider Product/Solution/Service/Information. Example may be: by “the Guardian News”, “our specialists” “nationwide support” … etc.
SEO Automation. The above elements can be used to auto generate highly relevant sentences using AI based SEO, such as:
Auto generated Meta Description Example:
Top 10; MacBook Air Laptop, Acer Swift 3 Laptop, Samsung Galaxy Book Pro for graphic designers, in Central London with nationwide support”… – [120 Characters].
Auto generated Title Tag Example:
“Top 10; MacBook Air Laptop, for graphic designers, in London” – [60 Characters].